About Us
Our Objective and pledge
INFBPW objectives shall be:
Our Objective and Pledge
INFBPW objectives shall be:
- To elevate the standards for women in business and in the professions
- To promote the interests of business and professional women
- To bring about a spirit of cooperation among business and professional women of the United States
- To extend opportunities to business and professional women through education along the lines of industrial, scientific and vocational activities.
I believe in the principles and purposes of the Indiana Business and Professional Women. I will promote the interests of women and cooperate in perpetuating the activities of the organization. I will do my part to create a better understanding among the women of the world. In fellowship, friendship, cooperation, I will strive always for a finer, stronger womanhood. To serve to the best of my ability and strength. To be true to myself, my fellow workers and to my God.
I hereby solemnly pledge my allegiance to the local organization and do promise: To be governed by the rules and relations in the Bylaws; To be faithful in attendance, trying always to be on time; To be loyal in service, willing to serve in any capacity whereby I can best promote the interests of the local organization; To be generous, not alone of my money, but of my praise, my time, and my talents; To be tolerant and friendly, knowing that friendliness gives and finds happiness and health; And to be honest with myself, my fellow members and my local organization.